It's an outrage.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Google has a map czar and he is a bad liar

Google Maps has apparently replaced new satellite imagery of New Orleans' wasted shoreline and city with older and prettier ones, apparently for nostalgia's sake, since Google Map Czar John Hank's only explanation to a Congressional committee last week was that "a combination of factors including imagery date, resolution and clarity" are the standards Google uses to decide which pictures to display.

The newer images of the city's coastline were not up to date? The more advanced satellite technology did not provide a clearer image of the wreckage Hurricane Katrina left behind and continues to be left behind by the myriad of agencies that are supposed to be hauling it away?

I think those people at Google are spending too much time on the climbing wall, and not enough time trying to make up logical lies for things like this. Wonkette agrees that it's an outrage.
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