A purported 1,000 University of North Carolina students showed up to witness a guy break up with his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. He corralled them through an events page listing on Facebook.com that read:
"She thinks I am going to sing a song to her in the pit to be romantic, but I'm going to tell her I slept with her roommate. There will be plenty of other information that gets revealed as well. We haven't been dating very long, but we have been friends for years. ... If you haven't ever seen a bad public breakup before ... I cannot tell you what you are missing. You don't want to watch, but you can't look away. It's going to be hateful.
Also, if you know my gf, you would know why she can't see this, and I will kill you if you ruin this!"... (more)
It's an outrage that these people are considered members of my generation. But the girls' a capella performance of "Not Ready To Make Nice" wasn't bad.