It's an outrage.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stop bitching, start a ketchup revolution

It's possible this is a little too persnickety even for me, but why do tall, glass ketchup bottles still dominate the restaurant market? Over the years, they have proven to be pretty terrible at dispensing ketchup, and many alternate containers have been invented to solve that problem. Even if restaurants think it's classless to serve ketchup in plastic squeeze bottles, there are stout glass bottles with wide mouths that save patrons at least 30 seconds and additionally save the sides of their hands since they don't need to karate chop the 57 to get the sacred Heinz recipe out of the bottle.

I say this should be the beginning of a rebellion, starting with
tall, glass ketchup bottles. They are an outrage. Who's with me?
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