It's an outrage.

Friday, December 01, 2006

A Brit sex tape wasn't necessary, but old bones are

So get this — evangelical church leaders in Kenya are trying to persuade the museum in that country that holds the world's oldest human and pre-human specimens not to put them on display.

Seen together, the fossils basically constitute pretty hardy evidence for Darwin's theory of evolution. And evangelicals aren't into all that, especially the whole ape idea.

Those church people are an outrage if only because the theory of evolution explains the existence of Britney Spears and gives us hope that one day we will evolve past her kind, and that she will be replaced with someone slightly more inclined toward classier fashion choices.
The sad part is that this 'Britany exposure' has happened on more than occasion, not only to her, but also to other equally un-evolved individuals. There is icky photographic evidence.
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