I've never bought a lottery ticket merely because it never occurs to me to play. Whenever there's a big pot and lines form at convenience stores everywhere, I think there must be a sale on Bud Light. But now I feel entirely justified in my ignorance:
"... There's only a one in a million chance any year that an asteroid will strike us — which makes a civilization-ending encounter more than 100 times as likely as winning the Powerball."
revelation in a Washington Post story came from a new display in the
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum — the most-visited museum in the world. Powerball, that's what is called bad press. And that's why people who wait in line for lottery tickets should maybe think that while they are standing there they are much more likely to be killed by a gigantic rock hurtling toward Earth
than to win a whole bunch of cash.
If that's not an outrage, I don't know what is.